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What Christmas Says to the Impatient Pastor
The Incarnation gives me permission to accept my slow progress.
John Mancuso: Relational Success in the Workplace
Your workplace can be a hub for relational ministry.
Reassembling My Faith
What would make the difference between doubt strengthening my belief or crushing it?
Motherhood Changed My Image of God
When my understanding of God changed, so did my leadership.
Why Don’t Small Churches Grow? (Actually, They Do)
The presumption that small churches don’t grow is false. Some grow numerically. Most grow spiritually. Many grow in both ways.
Why I Don’t Go to the Bible to Find Sermon Material
When we treat the Bible like a collection of sermon texts, we can lose the wonder and the beauty of it.
What Does a Healthy Small Church Look Like?
Numbers can help us understand some things about the health of a church. But they’re not the only thing.
Losing the Weight of New Year’s Resolutions
This year, I’m letting God write my resolutions.
Introducing Lent to Your Congregation
It starts with your example.
Why Doesn’t God Answer All My Prayers? Because Some of Them are Stupid
We need to become better pray-ers. But how? Offer prayers God has already said he’ll answer.
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